Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Teacher Day to Homeschool Parents Too!

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years. ~Jacques Barzun

This quote is not only applicable to teachers but to us homeschool moms/parents as well!  Teaching is a profession in which an adult is given the opportunity and privilege to instruct children in academics in hopes of guiding them to become productive and intelligent citizens.  Homeschool parents not only get to teach academics but we have the amazing task to train our children in character as well. 
As the quote states, we may not see these fruits for 20 years!  Teachers only get a child for one year and hope they make a difference in that child whereas we homeschool parents get the child for at least 18 years of training 24/7 at home!  Although a "real" teacher hopes to see fruit for her labor, homeschool parents pray daily for evidence that what we are doing does indeed make a difference - that the sacrifices we've made to have one parent remain at home rather than earning a living, will reward dividends in our children's lives. 

Homeschool parents choose a variety of reasons for which to stay home and teach their children and no matter our motivation to have the kids schooled at home, homeschool parents should never feel secondary to that of "real" teachers.  Today is a nationally recognized holiday where millions of students and parents all over the country will give a card, and maybe a small token, to say "thanks" for all the hard work their teachers have put forth this year.  Well, I want to say "thanks" to all the homeschool parents who teach their kids because I know the sacrifice, frustration, energy, and time it takes to effectively train our children while raising them too.  Keep it up, you homeschool parent freaks!  You are doing a heck of a job and your kids will forever be in debt to you!  Keep on teaching!  Today is for you! :)

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