Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

On Father's Day we take time to pause and reflect on the life lessons that our fathers taught us while growing up and we thank them for the love and support they've given to us throughout the years.  However, this Father's Day, I would like to focus on how thankful I am for my husband who is the father to our six children (with #7 due in September).

When I was 16, I wrote down a list of qualities that I was looking for in the man I would one day (hopefully) marry.  I had 14 characteristics which ranged from highly important to just plain extra bonuses such as "athletic, but not a dumb jock", "musical," and "smarter than me."  I began praying for my future husband at age 16 without realizing that I would actually meet him when I was 18 and then would be married to him by age 20! [ Awww :) ]

Today I am thankful for my husband and the father he is to our children.  I am grateful for the leadership he shows in our home as he models an unbelievable work ethic, makes difficult decisions, disciplines the children appropriately, and lovingly guides and directs them in their paths.  Additionally, I am grateful for the love he gives our children as he purposes to spend quality time with each of them even though he works three jobs!  He continually sacrifices on our behalf to ensure that our family's needs are met as well as some of our wants.  He is an amazing man and the children and I are incredibly blessed to have him as the leader of our home.

Happy Father's Day to my beloved husband and Happy Father's Day to your father and husband as well!  Tell him today how grateful you are for the man he is in your home :)