Saturday, January 14, 2012

A New Year; New Resolutions

Can I just tell you how much my life consistently changes at a rapid pace?  It has been a year and roughly 4 months since my last post.  At that time I told you my life had changed in that I was no longer living in the South, homeschooling the kids, but had moved to the West Coast to begin my life as a First Grade teacher at a private Christian school.  Well, guess what?  I'm still a First Grade teacher but I've moved again - same city, new house, and my career is changing year I'll be back teaching High School Spanish (Spanish I and II) and who knows what else...I am constantly amazed at how God moves and directs my path in such a short amount of time!

So a new year has begun and like you, I've made a mental note of things I would like to accomplish this year.  However, as I sit here and write, I believe I should write down my ideas because I definitely will not succeed in my endeavors unless they are daily in front of my face, right?  One such goal is to blog weekly...I'd say at least twice a week because who knows, maybe someone out there is actually reading this blog!  Life has changed since I was able to stay home and be with the kids 24/7 but even though I am working, I am blessed to work at the same facility where my children attend school and where even my husband works! 

Another goal?  To lose those last 10 pounds that haunt me.  You know, I once calculated all the weight I had gained (adding the six pregnancies together) and I came up with an astonishing 235 pounds!  Well, I've lost 225 of those pounds so I feel pretty good but I wanna LOOK amazing, right?  I mean, gotta keep the hubby interested in ME! :)  So, maybe this is the year I go on the Hollywood Diet every other weekend...the cleansing diet...on second thought, I'll just jog.

This brings me to goal #3:  Jog 5x's a week for at least 30 minutes.  I was a runner back in the day...actually ran with the 1996 Olympic Torch in Cincinnati...I was such a scrawny teen back then.  I absolutely enjoy running because it is the only alone time this gal gets so if I'm not jogging, chances are I am not getting some little amount of alone time and everyone needs a dose of that now and then.  Currently I jog about 1 day per week so I'm ready to begin this venture!

I have other goals for the year but basically I purpose to be the most amazing wife, mother, and teacher!  I'll strive to further cultivate the relationship I have with my husband as well as the relationship I have with each of my six children.  The baby just turned 2 this week (awww) and the oldest turned 11 at Thanksgiving time.  Time is fleeting, isn't it?  Although I may feel overwhelmed or overloaded at times, I can find no greater source of joy, than being a wife and a mother. 

Here's to the New Year and all those new resolutions!