Thursday, May 6, 2010

Soccer Mania

Sweat pours from my kids' faces as they run excitedly to me, reaching out for their water bottles.  Next to me my toddler screams for water too as she pulls on my the hem of my shorts.  Attached to the front of me in an Evenflo Snugli, my infant whines for liquid as well - he's hot and crabby and tired and lets me know that he needs attention- can't forget about him! 

The smell of freshly-cut grass tickles my nose while gnats fly around my face and fireants crawl around my toes.  I hear my kids gulping down water in between heavy panting as they try to catch their breath.  Parents around me sing praises of their children's skills as the kids jump up and down, declaring their awesomeness in kicking a round sphere around on the field.  All of this commotion goes on around me while I think to myself, "Why am I doing this?!?"

It's soccer season and I'm immersed into a sea of soccer balls, practices, games, kids, gnats, fireants, and heat.  I used to lover soccer season but this spring has been rough and I've begun to dread the drive to the soccer fields at the YMCA.  I make this trek three times a week with all six kids by MYSELF!!!  My husband teaches night classes and thankfully, on Saturday mornings, he is able to attend the games with me.  But, I tell ya, I am simply, completely, and utterly worn out with all these practices and games! 

I caught myself falling asleep standing up earlier this week at one of the practices because I was so bored.  Don't get me wrong, I am totally enthusiastic about the sport.  I played it myself growing up and have even coached several of my son's teams but this spring I have had enough.  My two middle girls and son decided they all wanted to play and I was excited to watch them but I didn't factor in the time it would swallow up nor did I realize my husband wouldn't be around to help drag the kids to practice.  Spending 2.5 hours two nights a week trying to entertain a toddler, have an infant attached to the front of me, and support the kids who are playing soccer...well, it's gotten the best of me.  This 31 year-old woman is dragging and feels older than Sarah when she birthed Isaac way back when...I'm seeing wrinkles in places that I didn't know could wrinkle!!!

Although I am weary and worn, I have enjoyed these moments of watching my 4 year-old score a goal for the wrong team, my 6 year-old fix her hair a billion times during a game and then regain focus and fiercely go after the ball, and watching my 9 year-old son kick the threads out of the ball from backfield.  I love screaming for my kids and chearing them on.  Oddly enough, out of the 3 teams my kids' play on, 2 of them are called the Tigers.  It's funny because I live about 45 minutes away from Clemson University, home of guessed it, TIGERS! 

I have enjoyed countless times of running around trying to get that perfect picture to show Daddy when he gets home from work but for now, I'm wishing soccer would end soon...but then, what would I do with my Tuesday and Thursday nights and Saturday mornings?  So, here's to another game this weekend, more pictures to capture, more kids, gnats, fireants, and heat.  Aw, gotta love soccer insanity, I mean soccer mania :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Teacher Day to Homeschool Parents Too!

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years. ~Jacques Barzun

This quote is not only applicable to teachers but to us homeschool moms/parents as well!  Teaching is a profession in which an adult is given the opportunity and privilege to instruct children in academics in hopes of guiding them to become productive and intelligent citizens.  Homeschool parents not only get to teach academics but we have the amazing task to train our children in character as well. 
As the quote states, we may not see these fruits for 20 years!  Teachers only get a child for one year and hope they make a difference in that child whereas we homeschool parents get the child for at least 18 years of training 24/7 at home!  Although a "real" teacher hopes to see fruit for her labor, homeschool parents pray daily for evidence that what we are doing does indeed make a difference - that the sacrifices we've made to have one parent remain at home rather than earning a living, will reward dividends in our children's lives. 

Homeschool parents choose a variety of reasons for which to stay home and teach their children and no matter our motivation to have the kids schooled at home, homeschool parents should never feel secondary to that of "real" teachers.  Today is a nationally recognized holiday where millions of students and parents all over the country will give a card, and maybe a small token, to say "thanks" for all the hard work their teachers have put forth this year.  Well, I want to say "thanks" to all the homeschool parents who teach their kids because I know the sacrifice, frustration, energy, and time it takes to effectively train our children while raising them too.  Keep it up, you homeschool parent freaks!  You are doing a heck of a job and your kids will forever be in debt to you!  Keep on teaching!  Today is for you! :)