Monday, January 7, 2013

Here's to 2013!

  Do you compile a list of New Year's Resolutions?  If so, do you write the list down somewhere you can frequently access it in order to assess your progress or do you mentally make notes on what you want to change/improve for the year ahead?  I must admit that I do the latter - and now after giving life to 7 children, well, let's be honest, my memory is horrific!  So, this year I decided to use my beautiful leather journal my husband gave me (almost 2 years ago!) to pen my resolutions for the year ahead.  As I sat pondering what I needed to change before I made fun goals for myself (such as being published in a children’s magazine), I quickly became a bit depressed in noting how I have SO MUCH to transform!

Last year about this time, I composed a blog entry regarding my resolution to post at least 3 times per week on my little blog.  As I look back over my entries for 2012, I fell horribly short of that goal!  What other “goals” did I not achieve this past year?  I am sure I would have an accurate record had I actually written down the ideas!  The only record I have is marked in my blog entry last January!   And I as sit here thinking about all of my inadequacies as a wife, mother, and teacher, well, I do not know fully where to begin my list of resolutions for 2013 or better yet, why try?! 

Are you overwhelmed at beginning another year or do you feel revived and refreshed knowing that it is a clean slate for whatever lies ahead?  I am at first flabbergasted as to how I will accomplish the changes I need to make in my life but then I realize that I can do nothing in and of myself and that kinda relieves me.  God doesn’t expect the Christian to manage life by herself for He expects her, or rather desires that she would rely upon HIM.  So, what have I been fretting about?!  I can make a list of New Year’s Resolutions and anticipate failure (or as my tween son would say, anticipate an “Epic Fail”) for each of my goals if I do not ask God to help me in achieving those goals.  Whew, isn’t that mind-opening?  Not really but why do I have to remind myself that I am not Wonder-Woman?  Although I have the Converse sneakers and a T-shirt that say otherwise – (Merry Christmas, Mommy! J).  It’s because I really do want to be Wonder-Woman, do everything on my own, and ask help from no one.  But, that is my PRIDE – such an ugly word.  I must first rid myself of the pride and then compose some resolutions for the New Year.  Hmm….

OK, 2013, I can do this!  I will seek God’s face to aid me in realizing the goals/resolutions I have set forth and I will strive to have no regrets with how I live my life as a Christian wife, mother, and teacher.  Seven days have already passed in this New Year and I’ve already failed on my attempts of transformation, however, all of those were done in vain as I did not fully recognize my Creator and the help He provides.  Today is Monday, almost noon, and I am ready to work on those New Year’s Resolutions.  So, here’s to 2013 – good luck, everyone, on your resolutions!!!