Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Chapter

It's been, what, four months since I last posted?  Too many things have happened WAY too fast around here in my family.  The short of it is this: God drastically changed our family's path.  My husband and I went from having NO jobs for the past two years to having two full-time jobs which means that I am no longer a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom and my children now attend "real" school for the first time in their lives!  What an emotional rollercoaster ride I have been on for the past two months!

We moved from our wonderful idyllic home near the mountains in SC to the hectic bustle of city life in the Los Angeles area.  Talk about culture shock, right?  We used to live out here in Cali way back when there were only three children crawling around but now there are six and we look like a freak sideshow - a possible contestant for a new reality series of sorts :)  I cannot even tell you how many times people have told us we remind them of a certain reality family on TLC or how we should totally have our own reality show.  As if our white 12 passenger van screams, "Reality TV Family Wannabes"  Puhlease!

Anyway, so I've been busy adjusting to this new lifestyle: working full-time as a first grade teacher at a large private Christian school alongside my husband and also adjusting to having my kids be taught by other people.  That part is not so hard but the homework they bring home is amazing!  Homeschooling didn't have homework so this part has been the biggest shock-a-roo! :(  My kids are resilient and I'm so proud of how they are accommodating to their new roles in life.

I do miss the days of just being home with the kids but I am SO grateful for how God has directed our family and has provided for our every need.  HE is amazing!  So, we begin a new chapter in this crazy life of motherhood and let me tell ya, I have never been more overloaded than before!  Here's to the next chapter!  More details, stories, etc to come!