Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Giving Thanks - A Thankful Heart

This past week in the high school classes I teach, I challenged my students to take time and write out a list of the things they are thankful for and how God has blessed them from last year's Thanksgiving to this year's Thanksgiving.  The idea behind the task was that my students would visually see how God has either protected them, provided for them, or blessed them throughout the past year.  I hope they are surprised to see how much God loves them by the length of their lists!  Because I encouraged my students to create a list of thankfulness, I thought I would do the same here on my little blog.

Tamra's List of Thankfulness 2013

I am thankful for...

  • God's perfect timing and provision as well as guidance, forgiveness and love for me - I am continually amazed at how God loves me even when I fail Him so often.
  • My godly husband who leads our family by example and encourages each of us to walk better with our Lord; for the provision he gives to the family; for his unfailing love; for his friendship; for his positive attitude; for his perseverance
  • My seven beautiful children and how they daily brighten my day with the little notes they write to me or the million times they say (or scream) "I love you, Mommy!"; for the help they give in keeping our house clean; for their energy and zest for life; for the seven different little personalities; for all of their hugs and kisses (and messes); for their patience with me; for their unconditional love
  • My parents and siblings (and their spouses and children) - I live far from my family but I am so thankful for the memories we created while growing up and for the time I get to spend with them even though it may be every other year :(
  • My students - they make my job FUN and they are an encouragement and blessing to me
  • My friends (both near and far) - for their listening ears, advice given, and prayers offered on my behalf
  • My family's health
  • My church
  • My country and my freedoms!
I am extremely thankful for all God has given me and how He has richly blessed me.  May I never stop to give Him thanks just on Thanksgiving but each day throughout the year.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Psalm 34:8 (KJV) "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him."