Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spin the Wheel

There are so many days where I feel like I am simply a lowly rat in a cage, walking/running on his little wheel toy.  Well, let's see, rats are rather ugly so let's compare me to a mouse? hamster?  Either way, I'm comparing myself to a fat, hairy, rodent - how lovely!  But, I do feel as though I am in a routine of daily waking up, eating, drinking, and jumping onto the spinning wheel and running all day until night falls.  Someone take that dumb wheel outta my cage!

These past few weeks I have been running so much!  Not literally, because if I were truly running, I'd be shedding some of those baby pounds that are weighing me down!  No, this family's schedule has hit high peak season for busyness!  Soccer is in full-swing and my husband's teaching schedule is at the point where only a few lectures remain before Finals. This means a whole lotta grading for him and a whole lotta inputting grades into the computer for me!  Plus, my kids' homeschool year is winding down which also means final tests and state standardized tests - ahhh!!!  So, there hasn't been much wiggle room time if you ask me.  Thus, the lack of posting on my blog!  Major bummer to all of my fans, right? :-)

In the midst of this running, I am reminded that the only important thing in life to me is my family.  I am so thankful for a husband with whom I can laugh, vent, cry, and walk through life for as long as we live.  He is my protector - always encouraging me, supporting me in whatever I choose to do, and always looking out for my best interests.  He is amazing and I love him so much!  My children are also equally important to me as they daily bring me joy, and at times frustration, but they are so full of energy and life that it is hard to let things weigh me down when I see all these happy little people running around me all day long.  Their giggles are contagious - I just want to squeeze them - give them bear-hugs 24/7!!!  They are growing up way too quickly!!! :(

So, it's been crazy - real crazy - around here lately but I'm thankful that even while I run on my wheel, I can see my family is around me, encouraging me, and working together to get through this crazy, hectic schedule we call "LIFE." 

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