Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enjoying the Simple Things

In this busy society, it is easy to forget to take time and enjoy the simple things that life offers.  Being a mother of six children does not afford me the privilege of soaking in much "down time" but today was one of those days when I decided to spend some hours tossing my cares aside so that I could sit down, relax, and bask in the simple things of my life.

Gorgeous spring weather has finally arrived to our small country town in SC.  The school system here is participating in Spring Break which means I have let my homeschool children also take a week off from their studies.  After my morning tutoring sessions, I decided to go outside with the kids.  Thanks to Grandma, we had a brand-new box of sidewalk chalk to open so we spent time drawing all over our U-shape driveway.  Boy, can those kids draw some crazy pictures!  My father-in-law drew life size horses and a humungous princess castle for one of the girls.  The kids thought their drawings were so beautiful they took pictures of them to remember!  The Beagle even got into some action by eating the hot-pink flavor of sidewalk chalk...dumb dog! 

I am not much of an artist so my husband and I, along with our oldest son, decided to show each other who was boss in a friendly basketball game of "21."  My husband is the avid baller who is trying to teach my son the art of fine basketball.  I think the boys only have me play so they can enjoy some entertainment while they sweat and show each other "who's their daddy."  Well, whatever the reason they invited me to play, we all had a great time and my husband came out victorious!

These are the simple things I enjoy in life: watching my children have fun, playing in the outdoors with my husband and children, and soaking up the beauty God has given to us on this earth.  I absolutely love the moments I can relax and let the cares and burdens of this world fade away.  In those rare moments I find my focus is only on what truly matters to me in this world: family.  My children are growing so quickly so I must savor every opportunity to spend carefree time with them.  Life is short.  I want to spend as much of my life as possible just being with family.  Yep, enjoying the simple things - can't get much better than this!