Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there today!  Bask in the love of your little ones as they give you handmade cards, breakfast in bed, lunch out somewhere on the town, and little gifts or flowers that are slightly messed up due to little hands smothering or wrinkling the gifts :)  Today is our day to not only receive the gifts from our children but it is a day for us to reflect on the kinds of mothers we are to our precious little blessings.

Each year on this day I take time out to examine the type of mother I have been since the last Mother's Day.  Having six children to take care of is a huge privilege and responsibilty therefore I want to make sure that I'm not screwing up!  So many times I lose my patience or I utter sarcastic words - hurtful words - that cause my children to cringe and I hate when I do it.  I know the moment that I let those words out I am doing something wrong and I try to get them back but it seems that my anger or irritation takes over the moment and I fail miserably at being a good mom.  Thus, each Mother's Day, I renew my vow and commit myself to being a fun, loving, devoted, giving, mother to my children.  They are awesome so don't they deserve the best from me?!?

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