Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just Call Me the Laundry Bunny

I am trying really hard to motivate myself to dive into the rubble of clothes that lies in different mountains in my laundry room.  And I'm trying to muster up the energy and strength that is needed to sort the mountain of clothes.  But, I don't want to.  Who cares that my children do not have fresh underwear to put on.  I learned from a movie that you can acutally put your underwear inside out and wear them again - maybe I'll teach my kids this trick - might as well teach the husband too!  If I spray Febreze on the underwear, it should still smell OK, right? And what if I put the dirty underwear into the dryer - should feel softer, right?

It's not that doing laundry is a pain it's just that this family of eight creates too much laundry so really I need to do roughly 3 loads per day in order to stay on top of things and to avoid the disaster that is awaiting me in my laundry room.  But, life happens, right?  I mean, I'm not always home 24/7 to do 3 loads of laundry and the thing that really impedes my progress is the dumb old dryer.  That thing makes me dry each load of laundry twice in order for clothes to become really dry!  What a waste of my time!!!  I guess I could start hanging clothes up outside but that requires more work!  My husband always tells me to work smarter not harder so I guess that means I will just continue to dry each load twice :)

I think we're reaching the point where we need at least two dryers.  I'm envisioning a laundry room similar to that of the Duggar household.  You know the family - 19 kids living with parents under one roof.  If you don't recognize their name, check them out on TLC (  It makes sense to have more than one dryer if mine is currently getting used at least six times a day!  Maybe I'll have the kids help dry clothes by using a hair dryer.  Something has got to speed the process up and save me from this mountain of clothes.  Or maybe I'll spare the dryer and have the fam use my new underwear trick and apply it to all their clothes.  If only my infant would stop pooping through everything, then he could learn the trick too!

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