Sunday, February 28, 2010

Looking Forward to Spring

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for spring!  This winter has been wonderful with all the snow - I LOVE the snow - and I'm huge fan of cold weather.  Something about colder weather makes me feel skinnier - perhaps that's why I think winter is the best season!  But, this winter has brought so much sickness into my home and I'm tired of dealing with that stupid stomach bug.  You know the one...constant diarrhea or throwing up - for DAYS!  And it has literally been many days at my house with this sickness in the past few weeks because of how many people reside here and share all those lovely icky germs!  Enough already!  Bring on the Spring!!! :)

I have Lysoled the house like crazy - all the furniture, even carpets - and have been changing sheets, washing laundry as soon as it is defiled, making sure kids are washing hands, coughing into their sleeves instead of into their hands, yet for all my worthy efforts, that dumb stomach bug reigns!  We may have rid our home of the stomach virus but I think we've moved onto the strep throat virus - lovely!  Highly contagious!  And I have a 6 week old infant to protect from these nasty invaders!  Sigh...the groundhog saw it's shadow, right?  Hmmm...maybe only a few more weeks of winter?

If you have any tips on how to effectively rid the home of germs - specifically the stomach and strep throat ones - comment me!  I could use some help - obviously!  Here's hoping your family gets rid of the sickness soon too! 

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