Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Long ago when I began this motherhood stage of life (9.3 years ago), I made a promise to carry around some sort of notebook that would be easily accessible to write down all the crazy things my children would say.  Parents all know that kids are quite blunt and articulate when it comes to saying whatever pops into their minds.  So, today I make a list of some of the funniest one-liners my kids have said recently...

Situation:  Watching this week's Winter Olympics in the ice-dancing sport, my 2 middle daughters (ages 6 and 4) had the following coversation:

Bailey (6):  Ooh, I like her dress!
Olivia (4):  But, do you like her face?

Different conversation during the same Olympic viewing...

Bailey (6):  Where are they (ice-dancers) from?
Chandler (9):  They are Swedish.
Avalon (8):  No, they are money-ish.
Chandler:  There is no such thing as money-ish!
Avalon:  (emphatically) Yes, there is!  Look at her necklace - has coins all around it so she is money-ish!
Chandler rolls his eyes as Bailey nods her head in agreement. 

Wouldn't it be nice to be from MoneyLand? :)

Situation:  Grandma has a boyfriend (she and Grandpa divorced this past year) and Bailey sees her kiss him in the kitchen...

Bailey:  Yuck!
Grandma:  It's not yuck, Silly :)
Bailey:  (shakes her head)  Yes, it is and besides, you have to ask Jesus first (to do that)!
Grandma:  (laughing and cheeks red with embarrassment)  I did ask Jesus and He said yes!
Bailey just hides her head into Grandma's stomach, shaking her head no...

more to come later...

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