Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Have I ever mentioned the dynamics of my family? Well, let me give it to you straight, real quickly!

I am the mother of SIX beautiful, gorgeous, highly intelligent, active, and sometimes bratty/whiny children. My oldest is 9 years old and the youngest is 5 weeks old tomorrow. The oldest and youngest kids are boys and we have 4 girls sandwiched in between. I never thought I would have so many females in the house - talk about way too much estrogen! The girls are nowhere close to embarking on physical change, but I promise you they have periods already! Makes for fun dialogue or rather arguing and screaming amongst the kids...never a dull moment here, people!

I have been married 10.5 years to my bestest friend and love of my life. We met in college when I was a sophomore-transfer student and he was a senior looking for fresh meat - just kidding! I thought (and still do think) he was/is the most handsome guy I had ever seen and was totally nervous to make eye contact...met the 2nd weekend of school, believe it or not, and he became "the one" by Christmas - the guy I knew I wanted to marry...and thankfully he felt the same way!

As for the last dynammic of the family, we have 2 dogs: 4.5 year-old pure-bred boxer named "Justice" - which oddly enough is my maiden name but we didn't name the dog, she came with the name from the breeder, and we also have a 3.5 year-old pure-bred beagle named Plato. His name, however, is an oxymoron because the dog totally exhibits no brain cells but boy, is he cute! So there you have it - my family in a nutshell!

I am a stay-at-home mom who homeschools these crazy, lovely, fun children while working part-time as a Research Assistant in the field of Character Education for my former professor at Regent University. I also freelance write articles regarding education on Associated Content and I tutor online for Brainfuse. In the midst of these little jobs, I am trying to pursue my Ph.D. in Education - I'll let you know how that goes...I'd love to eventually get back in the classroom, but for now, it's all about being Mommy to these amazing kids and Wife to my best friend!

So, there's a bio on my family and a little bit about me - just so you know who is writing this blog! I love my family!!!

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