Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Beginnings

To my faithful few, I have decided to update my blog and reorganize.  The goal is to encourage and entertain you, not just take up space in the blogosphere :)  With that in mind, I plan to write for a different category or page each day of the week (Monday through Friday).  There will be topics such as "Bible Verse of the Week", "Motherhood Quote of the Week," and so on in order to wet your appetite and to see which topics interest you the most and are beneficial to you. 

I realize there are thousands of Mommy-blogs out there but I hope to offer some Christian perspective and just plain reality regarding the struggles and successes of being a Christian mommy to some heathen children! :)  The focus will not only be on the relationship of mommy to children but as well as wife to husband.  In this world, it is so easy to lose our focus and godly perspective (I know too well for I often fail in keeping my focus above), thus my desire is to write from the heart and let you have a glimpse of what it is like to be a mommy to seven children, wife to one man, and a full-time employee (and then some) in this crazy, rat-race, world we call "home."

So, here's to "new beginnings," again!

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