Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bible Verse - Week of April 29

Joshua 24:15

"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Oh, how people today search for Christian families who live out their faith, who are not ashamed of God and His Gospel.  The plea in Joshua 24:15 is as relevant today as it was back in the times of the Old Testament.  We need to choose whom we will serve: God or the Devil (the world and all it has to "offer").

The Devil seeks to destroy Christian families.  If he cannot cause the parents to divorce, he will try to damage the family's testimony through discord (children fighting, parents fighting), time constraints (extracurriculars from the kids which prevent family dinner, the family being in the same place all at once - always driving from one sports field to the other, one music rehearsal to the other, etc), and the like.  So many things pull at our families today to prohibit us from spending time together, much less time together in God's Word.

This world is in desperate need of Christian families standing as Joshua did and stating, "We will serve the Lord" no matter what.  Too many Christian families today sit back on the sidelines and watch the world's influence creep into our homes.  Christian parents silently permit their children to act and behave like the world.  Joshua saw this same scenario among the Israelites which prompted his declaration that his family would serve God and not conform to the behavior, ideals, and worldview of the unbelievers around him.

My husband and I have made the same commitment: we will serve the Lord.  We have purposed in our hearts to not let Satan get a foothold in our family.  We read the Bible, pray, and memorize Scripture as a family.  We teach our children about God and point out the blessings God gives our family.  We desire to serve the Lord as a family and to honor Him - we will not be ashamed of Him - and may your family do the same. 

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