Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Family's Foundation


"He's got the whole world in His hands...He's got the mommies and the daddies in His hands....He's got the little children in His hands....He's got the Christian family in His Hands....He's got the whole world in His hands."  Do you know this song?  I vividly remember singing it occasionally with my parents and siblings while growing up.  I often imagined and asked myself, "Exactly how big is God's hand?  Can He really fit ALL of us?  Will I ever fall out of His hand?  If I do, can He catch me quick enough before I hit the bottom?!?"  

I believe this picture depicts perfectly how God desires for the Christian family to live - confidently resting in His Almighty hand, knowing that He alone directs, protects, and provides for our families.  Does your family stand securely in God's amazing hand?  We need not fret or worry about what tomorrow may bring because God will be there to shelter us against the storms, comfort us in the midst of sorrow, and offer peace that only His children can understand and appreciate.  God's hand is not too small nor it is weak and unsteady but His hand is strong, warm, powerful and quick.  Build your family's foundation upon God: make Him first - read the Bible together, memorize Scripture as a family, pray together, and worship together.  Experience the thrill of know He has YOUR family in His hands!

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