Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stomach Flu Blues

The winter weather has been unusally mild over here in Southern California which means all the germs that were supposed to be "frozen" away during Christmas vacation have only multiplied and grown in force.  I have now had a second round of the stomach flu in just two weeks...I missed school last Monday and Tuesday because I was violently ill and then this morning I missed a half day because the little demons were back in my system prompting me to become quite ill.  I think teaching First Grade has made me more susceptible to catching such lovely viruses no matter how often I bathe my hands in Anti-bacterial soap!

I haven't been the only one in my family to receive this blessed illness.  It has gone through all of my children as well as my husband.  I feel like all I've accomplished this past week is laundering the many sheets, bedspreads, towels, etc and spraying lysol and other cleaning products over everything in the house!  Yet, all of this work has been for naught because yesterday my daughter decided to vomit at the restaurant and then I became ill (as previously stated).  All of this sickness has caused me to sing the "Stomach Flu Blues" in my head.  Have you ever heard of such a song?  You have if you have been privileged to have this disgusting illness spread throughout your house more than once in two weeks!  I am pleading God to send the germs away...maybe have them run down the mountain of Malibu into the ocean and be gone once and for all!

During times of illness when everyone in the family becomes sick, I find it extremely difficult to behave so lovingly - especially if I am the one who is so very ill.  At these times I long for my own mother to come take care of me...and then take care of my kids! :)  But you know what is funny?  Even these not-so-great times will be memories I cherish....like the memory I have recently of handing out barf-bowls, towels, and Lysol to each of the kids.  It's funny now that I can look back at it but obviously it is not an occasion one I wish to repeat.  No one ever said motherhood would be easy or incredibly entertaining but through all the ups and downs, sickness and health, I embrace these occasions for one day my children will be grown and gone and wishing I were there to comfort them during their own Stomach Flu Blues.

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