Thursday, April 2, 2009

Living Life to the Very Fullest

Listening to my children's giggles at this very moment, the mantra of "live life to its fullest" is ever present in my mind. Having five children ranging in ages from 12 months (she just celebrated her birthday yesterday!) to 8 years old can sometimes feel more burdensome than joyful but at moments like these when the kids are playing well with one another and exhibit no care or thought for what tomorrow brings, I am reminded that I should live life to its very fullest for indeed who knows what tomorrow will bring. There could tragic, life-altering circumstances that may rob me of the very joy I currently bathe in as a wife and mother of five beautiful children. My actions and words should therefore reflect the idea that tomorrow may never come, thus what I accomplish today should be done in such a way that I will have no regrets.

In this fast-paced world it is often difficult for adults to devote carefree time with their families for there is the ever-looming burden of bills to pay, obligations to fulfill, and for some, the stress of wondering if they will continue to have a job by the end of the day. All of these circumstances rightfully weigh a person down, however, these circumstances cannot be the driving force of why we exist and go through each day. The idea of living simply to wake up each morning and clock in for a job is overwhelmingly depressing! I believe many of us have lost our purpose for existence - especially those who are parents and have children at home watching how we respond to circumstances. Yes, we need to work in order to provide an environment that is conducive for children's growth and well-being, however, let us not neglect the most important facet of our children's growth: time spent with their parents.

Although most parents carry heavy burdens these days, we should not and cannot afford these burdens to stand in the way of us spending time with our children. Let us take time to enjoy moments of carefree thoughts and activities no matter is the time is but fifteen minutes of hide-and-go-seek or tossing a baseball ball outside. Living life to the fullest does not simply encompass what we as parents want to do, need to do, but rather it entails time well spent and love devoted to our children. A deadline looms in the distance while a child quietly peers over his parent's shoulder, longing to spend time with him. What will you do today to live life to the fullest?

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